Phone Strap


1. After exposing the special adhesive on one end of the Loop, stick it inside the case.

2. Pass it through the camera opening in the case, back around your fingers like a strap would do, and then back inside the case through the bottom opening of the case, ideally in the center where the power port is.

3. Now adjust to desired tension before sticking the other end of the Loop inside the case. Put the phone back in its case, et voilà! You got Looped!


Notes: You can stick the Loop back onto itself to avoid sticking it inside the case. You could also pass the Loop through any opening, including the wide one for the device. Case and device required. Our special Loop adhesive leaves no mark.

Phone Leash

1. Expose the special Loop adhesive by peeling off the brown paper liner.

2. Stick the Loop onto a clean surface, either the phone's backside or the inside of the case.

3. Pass the end of the Loop through one of the openings in the case, usually the power port. Put the phone back in its case, et voilà! You got Looped!


Notes: You can adjust the length of the hanging Loop by sticking the adhesive lower or higher. Case and device required. Our special Loop adhesive leaves no mark.

Phone Sling

Here are some ways to use your Phone Sling, and the assembly steps to thread the sling in its buckles. This might come in handy if it accidentally came undone or or if it loosens up over time.

Sling Setup

Sling Assembly